Artelexia Exclusivas


    Since our founding, Artelexia’s curated collections have followed & reflected the unique design instinct of our jefa, Elexia de la Parra. Over the years, the way it has informed our product selection has evolved, from carefully sourcing & picking vendors & items that align with our brand, to commissioning specific designs & guiding the design process. In doing so, we’ve remained highly attuned to our loyal customer base’s tastes, preferences — & even wishes — for fun, culturally relevant swag, accessories, kitchen, & home products.

    Along the way, we’ve had the chance to tap into our own creative capacity, taking over a decade's worth of customer feedback & market insights to bring you original in-house designs exclusive to our shops. The result? Artelexia Exclusivas.

    The items in this collection were designed & produced by our creative team & are exclusive to our shop. They are a reflection of our creative flair, but also of the elements — the images, colors, patterns and even words — we know you love. You can now shop Artelexia totes, hats, stickers & buttons with your favorite brand iconography. Don’t miss out — you won’t be able to find these anywhere else, & check back often as this collection will only continue to grow!

    408 products